Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Two Months Old

Yesterday, our little princess was two months old! I cannot believe how fast the time is passing. I decided I would start taking monthly pictures of her & write all of her important info on the chalk board so when we look back we would remember her size & anything meaningful that had happened that month. Plus, I think its a really awesome way to watch her grow. I am not an artist by any means so the chalk board idea turned into quite an adventure when it came down to it.
In the past month, Riley has started to figure out the difference between daytime and nighttime...thank the Lord. Instead of averaging 2-3 hours of sleep a night I am now only getting up about that many times. She is FINALLY out of newborn diapers and into size 1's and she is growing like a weed.

At our doctors visit yesterday, she was 23 inches tall, weighed 9lbs 14oz and her head was 15 inches around! She is still in a very low percentile as far as weight goes but she is in the 75th percentile for her height so the doctor doesn't think she is having any developmental issues. Unfortunately, the doctors visit also meant it was time for her 2 month vaccinations. She hated them & it was just about unbearable for TJ and I to watch her get them.
We decided long before she was born that after she was vaccinated we would take her to get her ears pierced. It may sound cruel but we figured we would get all the bad stuff over with in one day that way she wouldn't have two different days of pain. After seeing how hard she took the vaccinations at the doctors office, I decided I wanted to be the one to hold her while she got her ears the looks of the pictures you would think I am the one having my ears done.

Although she had a traumatic day, our little trooper pulled through and she is feeling a little better from her vaccinations and has the cutest little ears!

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